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Fall Special | Starting at $500 | No Monthly Maintenance Costs | Ask for a Quote

Real Estate Web Design in Denver, CO

Jeff Danielsen
Floyd Dog Design


My name is Jeff Danielsen. I have been creating real estate web and graphic design solutions for Denver real estate professionals for over 10 years. I offer options from basic real estate websites, brochures, business cards and lawn signs to full email marketing and IDX solutions. Request a quote below.

I am currently offering a Fall Special, which consists of a 5 page website from $500. There are absolutely no monthly maintenance fees attached to that price. Please ask me more.

Thanks for visiting my site! View examples of our real estate web designs below.

Call, email or fill out the form below to ask me anything and mention the Fall Special. There are absolutely no commitments. And your email address won’t find its way onto any lists.

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Skyline Pacific Properties


Skyline Pacific Properties, LLC is a private entrepreneurial real estate firm that has completed over $6 billion dollars in commercial property transactions.

Todd L. Crosbie


Todd L. Crosbie's website emphasizes his specialization in the real estate market in Golden, Genesee, Evergreen, Ken Caryl, Morrison, the entire Denver Metro Area and all Denver County.

Bluejay Management and Investments


Bluejay is a privately-owned real estate investment and management firm that specializes in the acquisition, financing, disposition and management of commercial, multi-family and mixed-use properties in the New York area, and throughout the United States.

The Fields Interactive Map


This is an interactive map we developed for The Fields, a luxury, multifamily apartment complex in Milpitas, California.

Abell to Sell


This is a website we designed for Kristed Abell's real estate team in Denver.

Thrive Realty


Thrive5280.com is a full service real estate company based out of Denver, Colorado.

Drop Us a Line

Please send us any questions or comments. We look forward to hearing from you!